Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hari ni, semalam dan esok.

Assalamualaikum and good morning girls.

Hi again. Don't mean to say good morning just for the girls but that greeting reminds me of a teacher. Almost every morning during assembly we would hear that, with the same intonation. If we have had handphone at that time I would have recorded it. Old time....(sigh). Long,, long ago. Long, long ago.....

Why, hari ni, semalam dan esok. Because I'll be in this class until esok. So I'm still learning and I should be an expert by tomorrow. Hahaha....(louder please)

Enjoy your day.

1 comment:

  1. aisehmen... girl jer? guy takde? :D remove words verification.. utk memudahkan lagi proses comment
